Tips for Taking Care of Dental Implants: Don't Stress, Smile!

October 25 2019 by Mills Haven Dental

Tips for Taking Care of Dental Implants - Mills Haven Dental

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts which are meant to function like a tooth root. Implants are surgically installed into the jawbone underneath a person's gum line so artificial teeth can be installed. Dental implants are permanent and are not removable, unlike a denture (which you can take off and replace). With implants, your dentist can install replacement teeth or a dental bridge into the area so you don't need to stress over missing teeth anymore, you can smile!

Why Would Someone Need To Get Dental Implants?

Dental implants are meant to help you create a foundation to properly address and remedy situations following tooth loss. It's important to take care of your oral health to prevent having to get dental implants, but there are a variety of other reasons why someone would need to get dental implants, including:

If any of the above scenarios resonates with you, it may be time to consult with a dental professional to see whether your situation is suitable for dental implants.

Types of Dental Implants

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry lists 2 primary types of Dental Implants:

Once the surrounding gum tissue heal, a follow–up surgery with your dental professional is required to connect a post to the implant. Artificial teeth is then be attached to the post either individually, or as a group on a bridge or denture.

Once the gums heal, the metal frame is stabilized to the jawbone. Posts attached to the frame display through the gums so your dentist may implement artificial teeth as required.

Dental Implants Post–Surgery & Everyday Aftercare

It is particularly important that you take great care of yourself before and after the procedure to ensure the implant surgery experience and procedure runs smoothly.

Here are 3 tips for dental implants after care when it comes to taking care of them post–surgery, on an everyday basis, and for the long run:

  1. Post–dental Implant Surgery:
    • The first hour after the surgery is going to require firm but gentle pressure over the medical gauzes used on the affected areas.
    • If you experience bleeding, make sure to switch out your gauze every 30 minutes.
    • Any signs of oozing, persistent bleeding, swelling or pain throughout the first 24 hours is expected.
    • After the first day, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and rest the area. Apply ice if needed.
  2. Day–to–day Maintenance: you should brush, floss and use a non-alcoholic mouthwash as you normally would with your regular teeth.
  3. Professional Dental Implant Cleaning: Dental professionals have the tools and resources to do an intensive cleaning of your implants. Be sure to visit your dental clinic periodically to get your implants checked up or cleaned routinely for the best results.