Understanding Dental Bridges: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients

Sept 26 2023 by Mills Haven Dental

Senior women with dental bridges confidently smiling.

Missing teeth can be a source of embarrassment for many people, making it difficult to smile or even talk with confidence. Fortunately, dental bridges can offer a solution for those suffering from tooth loss. Dental bridges involve a non-surgical procedure that fills the gap between teeth. They can provide a more permanent, stable solution than dentures while also being less invasive and more affordable than dental implants.

In this post, we will explore everything you need to know about dental bridges.

How do dental bridges work?

Dental bridges work by anchoring a prosthetic tooth or set of teeth onto the teeth surrounding the gap, effectively "bridging" the space between them. The teeth on either end of the bridge are called the abutment teeth. These teeth are vital to the success of the bridge, as they provide the support needed to maintain the bridge's stability.

What are the different types of dental bridges?

There are four main types of dental bridges:

Traditional bridges involve dental crowns placed on abutment teeth on either side of the gap, with the pontic (prosthetic tooth) attached in between. Cantilever bridges are similar but only require one abutment tooth. Maryland bridges involve bonding the bridge to the back of the adjacent teeth. Finally, implant-supported bridges use dental implants as the abutment teeth instead of natural teeth.

What is the dental bridge procedure?

The dental bridge procedure typically takes two appointments. During the first appointment, the abutment teeth will be prepared by removing a portion of the enamel to make room for the crowns. Impressions will also be taken, which will be used to create the bridge, including the pontic. A temporary bridge will be provided to protect the exposed teeth and gums while the permanent bridge is being made. During the second appointment, the temporary bridge will be removed, and the permanent bridge will be placed, adjusted for fit, and cemented into place.

Adult women with dental bridges proudly smiling.

What are the benefits of dental bridges?

Dental bridges have several benefits, including improved appearance, speech, and chewing ability. They can also prevent the remaining teeth from shifting and maintain the natural shape of the face. Additionally, dental bridges are less expensive than dental implants, making them more accessible to those who need them.


Dental bridges can greatly improve the quality of life for those suffering from missing teeth. They are a less invasive and more affordable option than dental implants, and they can provide long-term stability and a natural appearance. If you are considering a dental bridge, consult with your dentist to determine if it is the best option for you. With proper care and maintenance, dental bridges can last for many years and help you regain your smile and confidence.

MH Dental is ready to help you find the perfect dental bridge! Contact us today.